Friday, September 25, 2009

NEW Zrii Weight Loss Shake

Have you heard the news? Have you been looking for that great new business opportunity?Yes, it is official! Zrii just unveiled their NEW Chopra endorsed weight loss shake at the RSA in Anaheim.And guess what?Over 10 people have already been testing it and it has produced insane results. Some have lost over 30 lbs in less than five weeks! Others have lost 20 lbs in four weeks.It’s truly amazing.And to think YOU could lose just as much weight by simply enjoying a very healthy shake every day sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it?Well, you’d better start believing real soon… cause, this new product is HOT! When Zrii released it at RSA they had over 4000 bottles of the stuff sell in under 30 minutes.And that’s just the beginning …Wait until the rest of the world finds out about this “top of the line” tasty weight loss shake endorsed by the highly esteemed Chopra Center which is made with NO synthetic ingredients or preservatives.Getting excited?Imagine waking up 4-6 weeks later looking a lot thinner, sexier, and more energetic. How would that make you feel? Would you have more confidence? Could you bring out that bikini you’ve had tucked away all those years and wear it with pride?Or maybe you’re marriage might be reinvigorated (come on fellas, you know what I’m talking about).Yes, this is totally possible. And doing it has never been easier with Zrii’s new weight loss shake.What do you think will happen when others around you SEE the new YOU? Don’t you think they’d want to know how you lost your weight? Hmmm …Do you hear Cha-ching?That’s the sound of money going into your bank account every single month because YOU are a walking advertisement and people will chase after you desperately trying to find your little secret – Which of course, when you share with them this NEW weight loss shake called Nutriiveda they will THANK YOU as they whip out their credit card to order some.Think I’m exaggerating?Actually, over 85% of men and women in North America have weight loss on their minds. It is a conversation that is ALREADY going on in their minds.You now have access to the premium weight loss shake on the market – the only one endorsed by Chopra himself, and can actually feel good about referring it to everyone you know.It doesn’t get any better than this.… actually, I lied … it does get better – way better!Not only can Nutriiveda help you lose weight but it contains ALL the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids your body needs on a daily basis! Check this out. Nutriiveda contains:• Vitamin A• Vitamin B-1• Vitamin B-2• Vitamin B-3• Vitamin B-5• Vitamin B-6• Vitamin B-12• Vitamin C• Vitamin D-3• Vitamin E• Folic Acid• Biotin• Calcium Lactate• Potassium Gluconate• Magnesium Oxide• Zinc Gluconate• Chromium Yeast• Molybdenum Yeast• Iodine Yeast• Selenium Yeast• Manganese Yeast• Whey Protein IsolateAnd remember, it is 100% natural- made without synthetic ingredients or preservatives. It doesn’t have all those gums that other shakes have which make it chalky and hard to drink.I know what you’re thinking… do they show the actual amount of vitamins per serving on the label? Yes!Listen, this is the REAL deal. This puts Zrii ahead of all their competitors. This just changed the rules of the game. I’m serious … watch out because Zrii is going to attract tens of thousands of new distributors and customers overnight (and a lot of them could be in your downline).Get Paid To Lose Weight!Zrii has a contest going right now where you could win $5000 just by taking Nutriiveda and shedding some pounds.Hey, what a fun way of losing weight. Make it a competition. And don’t worry … it’s based on multiple criteria (everyone has a real chance of winning).$5000 is a lot of money. Especially when you get to do something worthwhile in order to be eligible to win. For more details on the contest please visit, maybe you’re a little skeptical. I know this sounds too good to be true.You want proof that this new weight loss shake really does work, right?And that video only shows a handful of people who have taken Nutriiveda. There are many more with similar stories.Look, we all have excuses of why we are overweight. I know what it’s like. We keep telling ourselves that we will lose 5 or 10 pounds but it never seems to happen. We sign up for a gym membership costing around $700/year and only ever use it a few times.Or we buy the “new” exercise machine making a promise to ourselves that this time it will be different… but it ends up being tucked away in a corner in the basement.Sometimes if we get really serious we try to change the way we eat. At first, it seems to be going really good. Then, we get invited over to a friends house where they serve steak, potatoes, and pie for dessert. We tell ourselves it’s a “one time deal”. Except it keeps happening over and over again.Then as we go to bed at night the bathroom mirror reminds us of our failure. We haven’t changed one bit… despite all our good intentions we never seem to get rid of that dreaded fat.You know what I’m talking about right?Well, I’ve got good news for you! It’s NOT your fault. You know why? Because it’s not you, it’s your metabolism!Yep, that’s right. Think about it. When you were younger did you ever have a problem with losing weight? Don’t you remember when you could eat like a pig and never even worry about it going straight to your hips?But, then as you grew older it got harder and harder to keep the weight off. That’s because your metabolism slowed down. It’s really not your fault.Guess what?Nutriiveda is designed to speed up your metabolism. That means your metabolism is working to shed your fat while you work, eat, play, and sleep. Pretty cool, huh?But, what if you are in shape and don’t really need to lose weight; what can Nutriiveda do for you?First, let me congratulate you! You are truly a rare person in today’s society. Nutriiveda is designed to help healthy, in-shape people (such as athletes) maintain their current weight whiling enhancing muscular strength and tone.Don’t ask me how the formulators do it. They are geniuses. They’ve thought of everything!Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There are two flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla. The shake is in powder form and is packaged in a beautiful Zrii container that displays the Chopra Center endorsement with pride on the side.I personally like taking the Vanilla mixed with banana, blueberries, and using a milk of your choice (i.e. soy milk, rice milk, or cows milk). It tastes amazing!The chocolate one is great for on the go. You just add a little milk, shake it up and bingo- you have a great tasting shake ready to go to work for you.I also want to mention that apparently the chocolate shake has the highest ORAC value of any other product on the market (or so I'm told)! So if you want a high dose of anti-oxidants then you’ve come to the right place.Should You Still Take Zrii?Of course! This does NOT replace Zrii. In fact, the doctors said that it will enhance the effects of Zrii in your body. The best time to take Zrii is an hour after you’ve had the shake.Can You Order Nutriiveda On Its Own?Yes. Although, as mentioned above, it is recommended to take Zrii in conjunction with the shake to give optimal health.Nutriiveda is available now to order. You can get more details about the NutriiVeda on the website below.
