Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day and The Meaning of Christmas!!

Today I am blogging on Christmas day and the meaning of Christmas. This a wonderful time of the year. So many people forget the true meaning of Christmas. People think it is only about getting up in the morning and finding what Santa left under the tree and the hussel and bussel of getting to family for more presents and dinner that they forget we have a wonderful savoir who’s name is JESUS. It was 9 years ago when I moved to Texas and I had no family here and on Christmas I was as lost as to what I was to do because I really never looked at the entire meaning of Christmas. I for the first time woke up to no presents under the tree because we didn’t have the money so it opened my eyes to realize that the true meaning of Christmas is the one and only JESUS he is really why we should celebrate this season and keep him in are thoughts without him we would not have life. As for the last 8 years every year we have a nice dinner before us and we always invite JESUS and his plate is set before us as a special guest in our home. I am so thankful to be part of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What is the meaning of Christmas you ask well I am going to tell you in my closing here?

It is a festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ: a Christian festival marking the birth of Jesus Christ.
You can read the historic record of the birth of Christ can be found in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20 or you can use the link to read a on it:

With this said I would like to wish all my readers a Very Merry Christmas and be Blessed this New Year!!!

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Very very nice Rebekah. Thank you for reminding me of the real reason for Christmas. I'm always so broke, stressed and deeply and darkly depressed this time of year. Christ my Savior is the only reason I'm Still alive and happy most of the time. May God bless you 7x7x7!
