Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How I Have Been Making My Dream Come True!

Hi my name is Rebekah, I am 43 Years old. Just a little about me!! I have been an entrepreneur most of my adult life. I have been involved with many home based businesses and I am currently working with a great team of people at Zrii LLC. I am writing this blog because like most people who have problems losing weight will try anything from pills to weight loss programs. Well I am one of those people, I have always struggled with weight loss all my life trying different things I would lose weight and then gain it right back. So really I just gave up and decided that I was always going to be overweight and never be skinny again. One day I was online and was doing some networking not really looking for anything but I ran into someone and we got to talking about health issues and he started to tell me about a product he was using and how it had stopped his RLS and cured his Gout, I was shocked at what he was saying and thought that this has to be some really great stuff. So I took the time to research the product and see what it was all about and read a couple of his blogs. I liked what I read and decided to try this product myself. It took about 30 days to really see this stuff in action. I had noticed that I had more energy, I had lost my craving for sweets, soda and I didn’t need my coffee any more. So another month went by and I noticed my rings were spinning on my fingers and my clothing was getting to big for me. Not knowing this was going to work for weight management I was impressed. I have now been using this nutrional supplement drink for 8 months and the results are wonderful. I have lost 55 pounds, a lot of inches, 3 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes. This all has happen because I have changed up my lifestyle added exercise and I am using the nutrional supplement daily. If you would like more information on this product feel free to visit the website below and add your information to read more about this great product.

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah, great start to your blog! Just keep working at it! Add something new to it everyday for 30 days and watch what happens.
